At the time of the Olympic Games, the wars stopped and a truce was established. The Olympics of the present have been held since 1896 and the first of them took place in Athens.
The obverse of the coin in the square depicts a Greek woman in a tunic holding a holographic fire bowl in her right hand, an olive branch, an ancient symbol of peace, in her left hand. Above the square there is a small State Emblem of Ukraine and the inscription UKRAINE, under the square - 20 UAH; on both sides of the square against the backdrop of antique meander ornament - the designation of the metal and its sample - Ag 925, mass in purity - 62,2, logo of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine (left) and year of minting of the coin - 2004 (right). The reverse of the coin on the background of the square shows representatives of different sports, in the middle - a bowl with a fire that burns throughout the Olympics. The following inscriptions are placed around the square: GAMES / XXVIII OLYMPICS (top), OLYMPIC GAMES / XXVIII (bottom), ATHENS 2004 (left), ATHENS 2004 (right).