D ALI-SILVER HIGH RELIEF OLYMPIC MEDALLIONS. 5-COIN SET 1988 U S A / CANADIAN. This is stunning set of four U. Summer event Olympic and one U. / Canadian joined Winter event Olympic.
999 fine silver 46 mm medals designed by Salvador Dali minted in high relief housed in thick 3-piece Lucite hard cases that fit into a lined black velvet display case. The 3-pc hard case is secured by 4 corner pins. The special design case has sliding locks and hinges on the back.I attended both the 1984 summer games in LA and the 1988 winter games in Calgary. Only 5 coin designs were approved for the 1988 issue, and licensed by the U. Olympic Committee and marketed by Deak International exclusively. Dali's first four designs are of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic summer events: archery, equestrian, diving, and pole vaulting. The medal reverse, summer events depict U.
Olympic Committee logo of U S A atop the interlocking Olympic rings. The date 19 is at position three and year date 88 is opposite at position 9. Both are gapped in an outer wreath. The words UNITED STATES OLYMPIC COMMITTEE is inside the wreath. Fineness is 999 ic, at bottom.The 1988 Calgary Olympic winter designed event is skiing! The reverse, left, depicts the U S A atop the interlocking Olympic rings with the Calgary'88 logo side by side, at right. The border has double rings with words inside.
"XV WINTER OLYMPIAD CALGARY CANADA 1988". 999 ic lower center above the double rim. The GARANTIA slip is included. These 5 medals are the early designs created by Dali with a sports theme minted in high relief.
Each design portrays Dali's versatility in expressing the various disciplines. Dali turned to the tradition of antiquity (480 BC) when designing the archery medal, depicting the contestant in nude. Note the archer's taut musculature is in full conformity with the stretched ligament of his bow. All 5 medals have a combination of matte and polished surfaces.
Weight 46.65 grams ASW. These coins were never removed from the Lucite hard case holders that are covered by a foam sheet. The hard cases were removed for taking the photos presented here.
Age deterioration is evident on the leatherette case though protected by the original outer sleeve. I have enjoyed owning and at times viewing this set.